By using the engagement tools through this site you are taken to have accepted these Terms and Conditions set out below.
Information provided through the engagement opportunities on this page will be used for the development of the Santa Clara County Consumer and Environmental Protection Agency Strategic Plan. No names or other identifying information will be attached to your responses in any publicly-facing materials. Should you require further information about collection, use and disclosure of personal information, please contact us.
Santa Clara County Consumer and Environmental Protection Agency Strategic Plan
Welcome to the employee engagement webpage for the Santa Clara County Consumer and Environmental Protection Agency Strategic Plan. We invite you to share your ideas about future growth and development, find information about upcoming activities, and learn more about this project.
This is a space for productive, insightful commentary to help CEPA develop a vision for the future. While we fully expect everyone will be respectful, the County reserves the right to moderate any posts that contain profane, offensive or abusive language.